I'm a DIY bride, here is my 4 top inspirations so far...

I honestly LOVE getting creative with whatever I can with the wedding . Doing stuff ourselves has saved us SO much money and actually having so much fun doing it at the same time, also making it yourself is a real sense of - Woooohhhh i did that.

There is some absolute great influencers out there who have inspired me to get creative for our wedding and also some websites which are super handy for all things INSPO

I thought i would share some of my favourites that I have come across. - all instagrams are tagged for you to click on!

FAB & ELL @fabandell

So these guys are on instagram & there youtube channel is GREAT, they are great at letting you know where is best to buy, where to look & trends and inspo.

They work together as a team which is so lovely to see, they are planning on a budget which is also what i am sooo here for.

here is one video that is well worth a watch! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhL81keW66M

JESS @journey.to.mrs2024

This gal is getting married next year so for me, what she is up to and her timeline of planning is super helpful to me! A real bride prepping for her own wedding fully inspiring me.

Check out her instagram if your newly engaged for ideas or for 2024 jump on her insta!

PINTEREST ( obviously ) one of my wedding boards

So i use Pinterest A LOT. As a photography the visual inspiration is insane, but gathering ideas for initial weddings is great. I think if your planning and designing any element of your wedding it's hard to imagine what things can look like all together. This is why I love Pinterest, so many ideas, seeing final set ups/visuals. Basically i'm pinterests No.1 fan.


This is a great platform. One of the best wedding planning platforms in my opinion.

They have all recommended suppliers - so you can select your location and have a look at all the recommended suppliers near by which is GREAT.

Also, there blogs on trends and inspiration is just great. They also have a Real Weddings blog, where they show a wedding as a whole along with the budget. which is just super useful information.

Also, if you didn't know already my Kelly Paige Photography is in fact a RECOMMENDED SUPPLIER - woooop - just a little plug there.

Obviously there is a lot of trail and error with making things for a wedding and I have had many failures of ideas but also some absolute FAB outcomes which I just cannot wait to share with you what we have done.

My advice would be - just give it ago - WHY NOT.

Kelly xxx